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2 Risposte a “pieropan1”

  1. Fiaylln! This is just what I was looking for.

    Inserito da Eugenio | 23 Febbraio 2015, 07:36
  2. I’d have to agree with you there. Everyone is NOT the same. I have traveled all over Europe and can definitely tell you that people are different from country to country, as well as from town to town. My parents are from a small shepherding village, but a bustling seaside modern city is just 40 minutes away. The people there have a VERY different mentality. It is a matter of your history, but it is also a matter of nurture. The people who say that everyone is the same, probably haven’t had a wide enough spectrum of comparison.

    Inserito da auto insurance | 30 Marzo 2015, 19:31

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